

 IMA Youth Wing is a students and youth organisation for teaching Islamic values and creating awareness of misconceptions in Islam among YOUTHs.


Save Water, Save Energy & Save Life

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Understanding the Blessings of Water and EnergyIslamic Teachings on ConservationResponsibility Towards BlessingsJoin the Campaign Understanding the Blessings of Water and Energy Water holds immense significance, especially for those who endure days without it. Constituting about [...]

Newsletter for Save Water, Energy Today. Save Life for Tomorrow

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Please read the Newsletter by IMA-YouthWing explaining the importance of Water and Energy, Islamic Teachings & our responsibilities towards saving them. Also available here: https://imayouthwing.org/save-water-save-energy-save-life/ Campaign-News-Letter-1-2Download

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Article on Save Water, Energy Today. Save Life For Tomorrow By Maulana Mohammed Umar Falahi

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Urdu: Article on Save Water, Energy Today. Save Life For Tomorrow By Maulana Mohammed Umar FalahiDownload

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YouthWing launches campaign “Save Water, Energy Today and Save Life for Tomorrow”

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Kuwait City, July 19, 2024 – The IMA-YouthWing launched its much-anticipated campaign, "Save Water, Energy Today and Save Life for Tomorrow" at Masjid-e-Abu Rafe in Jaleeb Al Shuwaik, Kuwait, from 1 pm, with a aim [...]

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Finding Light in the Night: IMA-YouthWing’s 24 Hours Eitikaf

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Etikaaf holds special significance during the blessed month of Ramadan in Islam. In a spirit of devotion and reflection, YouthWing members and associates observed a 24-hour Etikaaf from Thursday's Iftar on April 4th to Friday's [...]

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Harmony in Diversity: YouthWing’s Interfaith Iftar Encourages Dialogue and Compassion

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In a heartwarming display of unity and understanding, an interfaith youth iftar party was hosted today, drawing together individuals from diverse backgrounds under one roof. The event, organized by the YouthWing, witnessed the participation of [...]

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Our Upcoming Programs

Youth Wing Upcoming activities, programs and events. See the highlights of our near future activities and stay tuned to visit our programs. Click the program photo for details.

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