EID Get-together By IMA Youthwing
IMA Youth Wing - Khaitan Zone organized a get-together for the new associates at a Farm house in Kabd on Thursday, 21st of June. The chief organizers - Br. Quddus [...]
Public Iftaar by IMA Youthwing
IMA Youthwing Kuwait organized “PUBLIC IFTAAR” on the 1st of June, Friday at Masjid AlGhanim, Khaitan. The gathering was attended by a massive crowd of more than 600 residents from [...]
“IOSH Managing Safely”, at Fahaheel via an authorized center of IOSH, UK
On the 11th of May, 2018, IMA Youth Wing organized a basic risk management based certification course on occupational health and safety – “IOSH Managing Safely”, at Fahaheel via an [...]
Health Camp for Members
Health Camp in the City, In View Of World health Day Which is Observed on 7th April Every Year, IMA – youth wing in collaboration with Badr Al Samaa Medical [...]
IMA Youth Wing Inter Zonal Cricket Tournament 2017
IMA Youth Wing organized the annual Inter Zonal Cricket Tournament for its members in the early hours of Friday, 10th November 2017, at Khaitan grounds. The tournament comprised of 3 [...]
Career Opportunities and Guidance
The evening of Friday, 26th of Jan 2018, saw learning and knowledge sharing in an event titled “Career Opportunities and Guidance” hosted by Indian Muslim Association Youth Wing at Islah [...]