Indian Muslim Association, YouthWing, Kuwait (IMA-YW) on the occasion of it’s 18th Foundation Day organized a special event in the light of successfully completing 18 years of community services since established on 8th September 2006 for the welfare of humanity in the State of Kuwait.
Date: 06/09/2024
Time: After Salat-ul-Juma
Location: Masjid Abu Rafey
The program started with Darse Quran on Sure Al Fatah, chapter 48.
After Lunch, Glimpses of Campaign “Save Water, Energy Today and Save Life for Tomorrow,” were presented by Br. Khaled Yonus.
To signify the remembrance, Youth Wing had invited it’s Ex-Leaders & their cadres and Br. Dawood Hasan presented a Youth wing Journey & Milestones achieved from 2006-2023.
Ex-leader’s interaction session were carried out, where they recalled their fond memories and shared Previous YW Experiences, challenges faced and suggestions/ideas to the current team and apprise Youth Wing for their sincere efforts and support in fostering community services and maintaining social peace and harmony.
In addition, the presence of YW’s first president, Mr. Hassan Noor, second president, Mr. Arshad Habib, founding members Mr. Jafar Sadiq and Mr. Nisar Ahmed, former president Mr. Riaz Khan, former CAC members Mr. Waleed Umari and Mr. Tayyab Bawazir, and IMA president Mr. Umar Falahi, undoubtedly inspired new enthusiasm and passion among Youthwing members.
Also, they distinguished how youth can initiate reforms that are needed in today’s society.
On this occasion, we extend our special thanks to all the past leaders of Youthwing, whose time, talent, relentless efforts, and sacrifices have brought us this far and we pray that Allah blesses them all with long life, good health, and success, and accepts your services.
Later, Youth Wing Members visited Subhan Cemetery After Salat-ul-Asr.
A brief talk on the importance of hereafter life and the reality of this world life was set forth. Moreover, “prepare a death before death” was discussed, and acknowledged the fact about Quran verse stating, “Every Soul Shall Taste Death”. (Chapter 21: 35 Verse)
Lastly, members prayed individually on the graves of buried and leave the cemetery.